I haven't really been talking about my training much lately so I thought I would put up a summary December It was a big block for me with 2 full weeks off of work. Because I never know what my schedule will allow in the future, I need to take full advantage of time off, or rotations that are light.
- I ran 29/31 days in December for a total of about 124 miles and 19 hours, 15 minutes. Average pace 9:17. Paulo told me that frequency was the best thing for my knee and he has surely been right. It hasn't hurt a bit. And I've gotten a whole lot faster. My treadmill base speed has gone up 0.5mph and I'm doing intervals at 8.5mph without any problems. Most of my running is still slow zone 2, though.
- I put in 25 hours on the trainer. NO JUNK MILES. That is my new mantra. I don't slog away in zone 2 anymore. My zone 2 riding is all warm up and recovery between intervals. I've had to put the bike in harder and harder gears to maintain my HR/RPE, so I think it's working.
- I swam 52,200 yards accounting for 18 hours 40 minutes of training for the month. Definitely helped get back my feel for the water.
Total for December: 61 workouts in just under 63 hours (I think there is a cross training session in there. I included one of my shoveling workouts!). Not too shabby!
Now I want to go take a nap! But I have another ride on tap for this afternoon...
Mexico Trip 2025! (Post 1 of 2)
14 hours ago
You run 8.5 mph and still stay in zone 2? Just damn...
awesome work jodi.
I go 8.5 for intervals and my hammy sings like bocelli on steriods...ouch.
you are one quick woman
You swam 52,500 yards in one month! Holy shit! I don't think I've swum that much in the last six months! Awesome December. Nice.
who is interested in your training schedule? just show offy...
i'm interested in your training schedule! i'm training for a tri myself...your site rocks!
Those numbers look like your getting ready for some sort of multi-day endurance event or something......
oh yeah, you are.
Impressive month of training Jodi!
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