Swimming by myself without my team has yet again re-exposed me to the awesomeness that is pool dynamics. I went to "lap swim" on Saturday to find that they had no intentions on putting the lane lines in. I spent 30 minutes dodging a group of kids playing water basketball before a couple of other guys jumped in. I had placed myself near one wall to best avoid being maimed by the round flying death ball. The kids quickly emptied out and the new guys, a couple ex-football players in bermuda shorts and big goggles situated themselves as they thought was appropriate. One jammed between me and the wall, and the other boxing me in on the other side. The great thing about all-muscle, all-testosterone swimmer is their utter inability to let anyone beat them in a sprint. So as I'm struggling to regain my endurance in the water with my flabby, no muscle arms, I have two guys timing their 25 yard all out sprints with when I push off the wall. After swallowing half the pool water from the wake I have now decided that I'm completely ready for another Ironman swim.
In the cycling front, yesterday I had a fabulous ride down to Morrison and through Red Rocks. I have a perfect cycling buddy who's training for Ride the Rockies. She's great and knows a bunch of beautiful routes. Denver is full of off road trails and hitting them, even if just for part of a ride is such a nice break from traffic. So today I went off on my own on the cherry creek bike path and was visited by the Karma police. I passed a middle aged lady who was well endowed from the backside wearing a tight fanny pack, fluorescent clothing and side-ways ponytail. I couldn't help but sing to myself: "You make the rockin' world go round". And for that lapse I have been plagued by Queen all day. All day. I will never think ill of you again, bright colored speed walker lady.
Headed out to Florida in 1 week for my annual- Let Lanny and Kathy (my best friends from Cleveland) kick the shit out of me every day and then get me fat and happy on great food and wine- training camp. I absolutely cannot wait. Riding and swimming every day (and running when I feel like it) surrounded by total relaxation. Maybe a pedicure thrown in, just to feel girlie. Just what an intern needs in April! And I even have another vacation left this year. Thinking of doing a 4 day backpacking trip with a 3 day spa indulgence on the end. Now that sounds faaaaabulous. And I did start looking at the Colorado race calender for the year. I think I will try to do some races this year. We shall see when the schedule comes out later next month.
And now for some ED stories...
I have been working in the pediatric ED for the past couple weeks. It's pretty awesome since I usually don't have drunk people spitting in my face and my weekly load of pelvic exams is greatly reduced. But as I said in my last post, Denver Health has the genius idea of putting the patient's own words on the ED board. Which gives me ample opportunities to take pictures of the chief complaints so that I don't forget them. One of my favorite pediatric chief complaints this week was:
"I smoked a bowl of chronic and picked up a bottle and started drinkin'"
By the looks of this 14 year old, that is something that he was going to regret. And for the record, he came in vomiting his guts out at 2pm on a Wednesday. I'm sure that the the fact that you can buy marijuana "legally" on every corner has NOTHING to do with the volume of sky high teenagers we are seeing. And I'm still trying to figure out what the 18 year old had ingested who came in actively hallucinating after watching the 3D version of Alice in Wonderland on my last shift. It was quite the sight with him still wearing his 3D glasses...
Then one day I walked over when my shift was done to talk to my friend Colleen. She was about to go see: "I am pretty sure there is a condom stuck up inside of me". We have such glorious jobs, let me tell you. I never did find out if she located the aforementioned foreign body...
OK, that is all. A couple of pics of long overdue visits with my Dad (here in Colorado) and my Mom (last week in South Carolina with my most awesome aunt and uncle). I wish I could see my family more often, but am so thankful for the moments that I do get to share with them.
On the Slopes at Breck. Buttering himself up for the mogul run in our future:
Irish bar in Charlotte, a couple days before St. Pattys. My mom, my aunt freenie and I. It was such a nice few days to catch up.
Enjoy this wonderful spring week! Summer is coming! :-)
Wow, posted at 1:30, so happy you have a little time to start writing again. You really know how to make a good read. Miss you much, Love, Mom
Keep your head up and keep making relentless forward progress. :-)
Good luck with the training.
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