Accidental bits of wit and wisdom, from roommate Matt, and my mom
I was talking with Matt the other day and we were joking about the kind of man that I seem to continually get hit on by. Then he got totally serious and said:
You know, to a screwed up guy like that, you are actually a pretty good catch!
Thanks Matt... thanks a lot....
On to my mom-
Ever since I was young I have occasionally been asked by strangers, usually people of Asian decent, if I am part asian. I have never understood why, and I always say no. It has continued to intrigue me and as I entered the medical field it has been happening more and more frequently. Finally someone I worked with said- "hey, you have epicanthal folds!". I look at myself in the mirror every single day and have NEVER noticed this about myself. So I did some digging and called mom to see where I get this distinctly asian characteristic. Later on in the day I get a text message from good old mom:
Dad said great grandma was a mix of some sort
What- are we Labradoodles now? What kind of mix was great grandma?
And she replied:
Your Dad's family wasn't really good at keeping records. I guess when you're not Irish nothing else really matters
Oh, one other bit of wisdom I learned today (for the women only):
No matter how much you think today might be the day you get your period in the middle of a long surgery, resist the urge to use a maxi pad you found on the labor and delivery ward of the hospital. I'm pretty sure I could have made it through a monsoon completely dry today...
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15 hours ago