So here is a little paragraph to let the blogger world in on a little secret- I'm human and I get really stressed, and really negative, and really emotional.
The past 2 weeks I've been a mess. The combination of hitting my peak Ironman training weeks during my thesis writing and defending has put my emotions more out of whack than they have EVER been. The first thing that set me off in a big way was my knee. It has not been getting better. I had my first long run since the fall scheduled for 2 weeks ago. Paulo was in town and he agreed to do my 90 minute run with me... and he also forced me to stop at 50 minutes because I was in pain (Thanks for talking sense into me!). I was so upset that I just absolutely lost it and burst into tears right on the towpath in front of dozens of strangers. It was the realization that there was something really wrong with my knee and I was likely going to run the Ironman marathon as my next long run, with my longest run ever at 14 miles. (I still think that's true, by the way, but more on that later)
Then for the remainder of last week I had a breakdown at least once per day, with my worst day being Thursday. I spent the entire day on the verge of tears and at least 2 hours of the day in tears. The final straw was me going out shopping for an outfit to wear during my defense and not finding ANYTHING after hitting a dozen stores. Yup, I lost it because I couldn't find something to wear.
Then my parents came into town and they had an absolutely calming effect on me. They got in at 8:15pm and I dragged my Mom to Anne Taylor Loft and made her pick out an outfit. As always, she knows exactly how to make me laugh. As an example, the next day as we are driving to my defense she says-
Mom- Your body lotion is weird. That Sweet Pea stuff- it takes a long time to rub into your skin
Me- You mean the shower gel?
Mom- Hmmm... I guess that would explain it
I was in tears for the first time on Friday when I went for one last bathroom break before my seminar. But they were tears of laughter. My mom got her hands and arms wet and they foamed up like crazy. You had to be there, but it was a good thing that we had already used the bathroom because I think we would have both peed ourselves we were laughing so hard!
Defense went well. There were so many people there! I felt really special and it was just a really positive experience with lots of hugs and support. It's really nice to have it over, though
I love my parents! They spent the weekend fixing my yard and cleaning my basement and doing my laundry while I was out doing biking and stressing and doing my post 120 mile bike ride coma.
Know who else I love? My roommates. They both got off work to come watch my defense and they bought me the nicest gifts with thoughtful cards. I couldn't ask for more wonderful people to make my house feel like a home. And no 2 people can make me laugh as easily as Matt and Colleen. I have SO needed it lately!
Some more tid bits... some of which is probably TMI for the blogger world
1. 2 weeks ago I had to have an abscess cut open. If I could choose a place to have an large infection, lets just say this would be one of the last places. Lets leave it at this- it was where a large proportion of my weight is when I'm in the aero position on my bike. Exactly 3 days after I had minor surgery on my crotch I did a 2 hour trainer ride. Exactly 5 days later I rode 100 miles. Lets just say, after what I've been through the past few months, Ironman will be a dream.
2. My knee has been X-rayed. The results were unremarkable. No break seen. However, I am still about 90% positive that I have a small hairline fracture of my patella. All my symptoms are totally consistent with it. My runs from here on out will be on the elliptical trainer. Aqua running is out because the main pain is upon extending my knee and the added resistance of the water is too painful. Thankfully, you don't have to extend at the knee to bike!
3. In the past 3 weeks I have ridden 125 miles, 100 miles, and 116 miles on my Saturdays.
4. The morning after my defense I overslept, screwed up my nutrition, but still managed to really enjoy a 116 mile ride with Jen. The company was great and we managed to do 12,400 feet of climbing and I saw 15 deer in the first 2 hours of the ride. Holy smokes!
5. I went to watch the Cleveland Marathon today and cheer on some buddies. DaisyDuc BQ'ed and I cheered my roommate Colleen into her first half in sub 2 hours! What a day!
Colleen after the race:
DaisyDuc at mile 11
6. Tomorrow I start my clinical refresher. Tomorrow and Tuesday I get to watch babies being born. It is really going to make it hard to get my training in. I have to find a time to swim on my own since I have to be at the hospital by 6:50. Sigh... and I thought this would get so much easier after my defense!
I'm sure there's much more to say, but I have to get some sleep. Hopefully it won't be 2 weeks before I catch up with ya'll again!
My little PhD girl :-)
Of course you are human, girl. But you are a REMARKABLE one. A lot of stuff has come together at one time to test you, but you are tough. It's really cool that you have people around you who love and care about you to give you strength. I will keep you health and well being in my prayers and trust that you will do all "the right stuff" to succeed. I have confidence in ya :-)
Congratulations Doc!!!
Do what you can. You have 17hrs to get it done.
Your race support really lifted my spirits today. Thanks.
You don't have to be super human to make a huge difference in this ol' world.
I was so upset that I just absolutely lost it and burst into tears right on the towpath in front of dozens of strangers.
I have done this too, it was real embarrassing. But it sounds like you have had QUITE a couple of weeks! My god, no wonder you have been feeling overwrought. Hope you get some mental downtime soon and in the meantime, breathe deeply!
Okay, first off--CONGRATS ON YOUR PHD!!! That's fantastic. I can't believe you're in the throes of IM training midst your defense. That's insane. Dr. Super-Iron Woman. Seriously though, make sure you take it easy. All of the symptoms you describe scream overtraining to me. Just make sure you're listening to your body and resting enough.
You're amazingly human. How about that? I'm glad your folks came to town and helped buoy your spirits. Take care of the knee and enjoy your training as much as you can.
Ironman will be cake walk for you Jodi.
It was fun chatting with you yesterday, I miss seeing you!
Can you email me the pic of Daisy and KM? I want to post it to the SERC site.
Congrats on the defense, doc! IM CdA will be nothing compared to what you've already accomplished. You should be proud of yourself.
- John.
Don't ya know we think you're awesome. But we also know that we are ALL human. Life would be boring without our roller coaster moments.
Glad to hear you're doing better. Keep that knee healthy. The bike workouts you are doing are outstanding.
Keep it up (and keep your chin up) JT!
You have been very very busy and on an emotional/physical rollercoaster! Congrats to all you have accomplished and aspire to accomplish in the future! YOu will do great!
P.S. the "lotion" incident with your Mom made me chuckle. I used to work at BBW and have had many people do the same in the store!
Congrats on your PhD my friend! It was wonderful riding with you the next morning. You are riding strong and you look great. Yes, you are human, but an extraordinary one. You will be great at IM!
Again congrats doc!!!
Human, yet still super woman! Glad your parents could be there for you!
It was sooo good to see you yesterday out at the race. Why do I take the worst pictures though??
I am vacationing 5/25-6/3, so I guess our next ride together will be SIJ??? I can't wait!!!
i had to have similar surgery about a month out last sucked, but i was fine by the time the race came. your body is in remarkable shape; you'll heal a lot faster than most people.
those are super impressive bike rides; you're going to be totally ready for IM...
Wow. Like, holy crap wow.
Don't worry about the run. (Yeah, I know. Easy for me to say. I look like I have a volleyball coming out of my stomach)
Seriously though....I'm sure Angela has told you this, but your HEART is very very fit from all the swimming and cycling. And if you don't tear up the run and BQ, does it really matter? No. You'll get through it somehow, even if it means run/walking...and I have NO DOUBT that you will be an Ironman.
Start visualizing that finish line. Not much longer now, Doc.
Hey, Mary Jane Rotten Crotch. There isn't anything a guy likes more than a girl with some sores down there, if you know what I mean. I'm just kidding.
You know what, there is absolutely no way you can do an Ironman without running for the few months leading up to it. No way you can do it by doing the run training aquajogging or on the elliptical machine. No way, Jose, Oh, wait a minute. I did that! And you're tougher and have more determination than me because there is no way I could put up with med school. You'll be fine and you'll hear Mike Riley say "Congratulations, Dr. Jodi, you are an Ironman!" Unfortunately, I probably won't be there to hear those words. . .
First of all, congrats on your thesis. To put that at the same time as Ironman training you have got to be dedicated. Sorry to hear about your knee! I'm sure you will still rock at CDA! Only 5 more weeks. Glyn and I can't wait for a vacation afterwards.
Parents are the best...I am in Florida with mine right now and my Dad went on a 5 hour ride with me Saturday! I swear they keep us sane during these training days.
All the best. I still owe you an email about the CDA camp, but I've been lazy. We'll have to meet up at the race...maybe for a morning swim.
It's so great that you have such a good relationship with your parents that they can help you out like that...both physically and mentally.
Just relax and enjoy the training. Remember, this sport is supposed to be how we combat stress, not increase it.
Oh come on, it's no fun for us if you don't post cranky miserable blog posts!! :)
Congrats on putting the thesis to bed.
Dr. Jodi,
You have been tagged...check my blog.
116 miles and over 12,000 ft. of climbing?? I think it's safe to say you're hardcore!!
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