Sunday, December 03, 2006

AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! (Jumping up and down with excitement)

Okay, I'm trying not to get too excited about this... but my cousin from San Diego just emailed me and said she might make the trip to Vegas this weekend to do the half! She is just awesome, by the way. I always have such a great time with her, but we grew up 2000 miles apart (San Diego and Milwaukee). She's just one of these amazingly independant and fun people who's always up for a new challenge. I think we may have a few things in common... but she's always been so much more of a risk taker than me and I really admire that. Here's pic of her, me, and her brother taken last year on my trip to San Diego

Oh, and did I mention she's also a motorcycle racer? If she comes to Vegas it will be aboard a BMW cycle with hand warmers. How cool is that???


JeffM said...

Very cool- she sounds amazing- races motorcycles and does halfs!

Anonymous said...

WAY cool!!! :o) Yeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!

Trisaratops said...

That is so awesome!!!!


"You're so money and you don't even know it!"

(I heart Swingers...and Vince Vaughn)

Wes said...

That is so cool. That cycle is HAWT, and your cousin ain't half bad either :-) LOL. Looks like you two make a good team. I'm excited! Race weekend!! Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

So, the smiles run in the family I see.

Janet Edwards said...

I already like your cousin...just don't get the wrong idea!!!!

Anonymous said...

Vegas isn't ready for THIS! Hope you have a great race, and a crazy time!

Aleks said...

Triathletes may be cool but does anything beat a woman on a motorcycle? Way too cool!

Anonymous said...

Have a FANTASTIC time!