I Love running in the rain
I had a 2:00 ride with 30 minute transition run scheduled for the day. It was pretty grey during my trainer ride. The Garmin struck 2:00 and I jumped off my bike and threw my Garmin outside for it to pick up the satellite signal. It was just starting to sprinkle. I got a little twinkle in my eye and ran inside to get my gear. Track pants, waterproof jacket, headsweats hat and I was off.
Five minutes into the run it started to pour. It was one of those downpours that make you stop your car. One that gets you from dry to dripping in 3 seconds. One that instantly triggers rivers of water down the streets.
I got a huge smile on my face and started to run faster. Puddle to puddle I jumped- splashing water everywhere. I ran over to one of the main roads in my city and watched the cars try to navigate around the rivers of water. I ran past an old lady walking with her groceries. I gave her a big smile and said hi. She looked at me like I was crazy.
Then later one of them got me. You know, when the cars hit a big puddle and send a shower of water cascading onto the sidewalk. Direct hit. I threw my head back and laughed. Got me!
I decided to take a detour through another neighborhood with "clean" puddles (the main road was under construction so I was filthy) so that I could jump in some good clear water to clean up... and then my run came to an end. As did the rain.
I like to think it rained today, just for those 30 minutes, so that I could enjoy my last brick run before the race.
Go ahead, call me crazy. I can handle it. But think back to the days when you were a kid and loved to play in mud and water and get filthy dirty. It felt good, admit it.

One thing that I regret from not doing last year was a work out with Texas Iron. It started out as a bike workout and then it started to rain. Instead of sticking around and playing in the rain, I threw my bike in the car and headed home. I really wished I stayed and played because it was one of those warm summer thunderstorms.
And yes, you are crazy ;-) but hey, you know how to have fun.
Running in the rain ROCKS!
(Not necessarily after 2.4 miles of swimming and 112 of cycling. I prolly coulda done without it then.)
Just got back from my teensy run and got rained on--yahoo!
Have FUN in CA! That's what it's all about!
That's what I call livin large :-) Way to rock, Jodi! That race has your name all over it.
Kicking back is great. Especially if you can multi task and get your run in too ;)
Sounds like you are all geared up for your race!
Good luck!
What's crazy about having fun in the rain?
I love the pictures of all the gear in your last post. You're going to fly at this race!!
I love the rain for running.
I think I caught that downpour as I began my bike workout. after 1.7 miles of "warming up" on Euclid Heights I resigned myself to the trainer again. The scenery was good at least....OSU wins!....Final Four!
Cool Boots.
That means if you have to race it the rain it will make the event that much more enjoyable. Way to embrace the weather.
Running in warm rain is a blast. Cold rain sucks
Nice attitude!
Well I suppose running in the rain is not so bad, as long as it does not become frequent. I will always opt for sunshine!
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