I leave for camp on Friday!!!!
I can't even describe how excited I am about this. Even more so when I woke up to a zero degree wind chill here for my 1 hour run. But you know what? I REFUSE to go to the gym to do this on the treadmill. I'm done with the hamster wheel. I just can't even bear the thought of getting on that thing. So I will bundle up, and I will run outside, and I will think of Las Cruces, NM, where the 10 day forecast has temps in the 80's every day. Yes, my whiter than snow skin is going to see the SUN.
I will run on the trails
I will swim in the 50 meter outdoor pool
I will bike.... OUTSIDE
I will.... possibly not survive the volume. Holy moly, is it going to be a tough week!
Let me give you just a taste. Here's my weekend:
1-1.5 hour swim
2-3 hour bike with zone 3 work
1.5 hour run technique clinic with strides
4-5 hour bike with 30-45 minute brick run
1-1.5 hour swim
Chill out at the coffee shop (this sounds wonderful!)
Sounds like a good weekend to me! Oh, how I have longed for a long ride outside!
I haven't been a very consistent blogger lately, but you will get sick of me next week, don't worry. If I have the energy to type I'm planning to keep a training blog with pics of the madness.
Now I'm going to go bundle up. I have a frigid run to do.
Mexico Trip 2025! (Post 1 of 2)
19 hours ago
sounds like a great weekend.
have fun!
Oooh. Nothing like a little running to keep you warm! You have a HIM coming up soon, no? Yahooo! Have a great weekend and come back a better triathlete, but most importantly, have fun!!!
Enjoy the temps and the training. Though jealous, I'm sure many of us will be looking forward to the posts.
Rock on! Have a blast!
It's going to be a tough camp, but the weather will be awesome and you will build even more confidence. I shall miss you though!
I'm very jelous of your training week! It is spring break here too, but the only problem is that staff doesn't get off work - what's up with that.
I still plan on doing a spring training period (4 days probably) late in March.
Is the training week a camp put on by someone? I thought I saw on slowtwitch that others were going to be there too?
I'll live vicariously through your posts.
Yes, yes keep us informed so we can pretend we were there....I am not sure what is the best part! Good training & tips, new Tri-friends, warm weather....so lucky!
Isn't it great when just the thought of warm weather gets us all geeked up!?!
Sounds like you are going to have a blast out there.
The jealous part of me wants to say something, "You suck!" ;)
Have a great time.
Have FUN!
Sounds good! Like the coffee place planning. Good thing you also got that in there ;)
Have fun over there!
Have a great time!!
Sounds like a perfect weekend!
Oh the envy.
Have fun.
Sounds crazy! Have fun, Jodi!
I'm madly jealous. Have an awesome time! You are going to kick some 70.3 butt!
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