I swam the course today and it was a BLAST. High winds had the lake all chopped up and I was getting tossed all over the place on the way out. It reminded me of the second time I ever went open water swimming. There was a small craft advisory and it was NUTS. And I loved it. It makes me feel like a kid in the ocean. The waves actually made it much easier to keep to a nice easy zone 2 swim because I was just enjoying the swell. And the way back was awesome! Wave riding for half a mile! The course is really easy to sight. But of course, there weren't 2600 of my closest friends out today.
My parents and Jonathan arrived today and I took mom and dad down to Ironman Village and we drove the out and back. I wanted to show them a short glance at how beautiful the bike course is. They were just as impressed as I was.
OK, the obligatory day's pics!
I arrived at transition SOOOOO excited to swim. I had been dancing around the room with uncontrollable energy this morning and needed an outlet. Dancing around the room to "My Humps" is probably not the most relaxing thing on the legs...
Stretch, stretch, stretch! I went to ART after the swim and got worked on. It helped a lot. The lady doesn't think that it is my ITB acting up. Maybe it's just taper pains, after all!
Ok, wanted a pic of the wetsuit in case any of my friends and family are trying to catch me at the swim turnaround. I'm wearing a fantastic Nineteen Frequency. It's one of the smaller brands (not for long) so looking for the 19 should be relatively easy.
On the way to pick up the parents. Look! I'm not smiling!!!!
Paulo showing off the "finisher" gear that was on clearance at the store. I mean, seriously!!!!
Paulo, me and Jonathan after our HUGE pasta dinner. Let the carb loading begin!!!!
On the Ironman 2006 Kina video Faris Al-Sultan was interviewed about pre-race jitters and I think he put it best, "Everybody before the race fees something is pinching there and note working 100% there but this is just the usual nervousness before the race and you know as soon as the cannon goes off everything's cured and you're a 100% race machine."
You are ready! Try to relax (I know, I know...) and enjoy YOUR day! Good luck!
hi jodi,
Just want to wish you all the best.
Good luck, your the greatest spirit.
love & Light,
Barneys' Mom
Been following all your posts, although I haven't commented! Sending best wishes... love the scenery there in Idaho! (I've been to Twin Falls area, and through towards Seattle). Keep taking pics of everything - thanks for the continual updates!
Btw, who's taking the pics of you? Like in the car?
Best wishes, Lauren
Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck! I am so excited for you! You look great! I know you are going to have a great time!
How are you feeling? Are you scared? Are you excited? Are you nervous? Are you just chill? Let me guess, you feel all 4 of these emotions in any 5 minute period of the day.
I agree that swimming in choppy water is fun. I did it at IMFL and it was a blast.
Jodi...quit talking about taper weight. You look lean and mean in all of those photos. There are so many folks competing in events this weekend. I'm going to be thinking about all of you while I'm doing laps on the roadie!
Looking good! Love the pix and your stories. You are always such a great writer!
you are so cute, great photos! best wishes..you will rock this!
Oh this is so exciting....looks like you are having an absolute blast....go sweetie!!!
Nice visor by the way!!!
Jodi, I wish you the very best of having a great time with your race. And remember to dance at the finish line too.
Jodi, you're a hero! Congrats on just competing and best of luck for the race. Have fun, yeah?
Best of luck to you Jodi. I have enjoyed following your journey through this blog. My Sunday will consist of completing my first tri in Monroe Falls (albeit a bit shorter than yours ;-) followed by anticipating your finish that evening. Could you pick me up an ironman finishers T-shirt @ the village?? Well, on second thought, maybe I'll get my own someday. Have fun! You are inspirational!!
This is exciting. Sounds like a freaken' blast. I will be glued to IMLive for sure.
Have a great time out there.
I have my pompoms ready.
Good luck Jodi!
Jodi, it's been fun reading your build up to IMCDA and watching your training and performance evolve.
There is not doubt about it - you are ready for this race! Have a great day.
Yay- you're making me so excited! Your enthusiasm is so infectious, and I can't wait til race day!
Make sure you get some decent sleep tonight because you aren't going to be able to sleep on Saturday night!
Good luck- I hope you rock the course!
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